Page 67 - Magazine December 2021
P. 67

Interview                                                                              Contractors News

 Interview to  sell tickets, provide information about the exhibition  subcontractors from three different continents and 23
            and promote Expo 2020 as a must-see destination,  nationalities working together in order to achieve the
 Daniel Orti, ACCIONA Culture Engineering ME Director  always showcasing the creative and innovative spirit  best performance for Expo has been and enormous
            of this event.                                    challenge that we have successfully overcome.
            This vision of what a Universal Expo means for us  It has been very comforting and enlightening to see
 process needs to be carried out always taking care of   has helped us to successfully deliver two of the most  along the last weeks such number of visitors in Dubai
 the Quality standards, the interrelations among the   relevant pavilions in Dubai: Terra-The Sustainability  Expo 2020 enjoying our work. We feel honoured with
 different disciplines and the sensitivity in the value   Pavilion and the United Arab Emirates Pavilion, the  the amount of positive comments and feedback we
 add by each Participant, the true protagonists of the   Dubai Expo 2020 host country.  constantly find in social media.

 We create unique, memorable visitor experiences   4. How challenging was it during the pandemic   6. Which is the ACCIONA’s key approach in
 that stimulate emotions and awareness with a playful   for a Spanish company to work on the Expo   developing and delivering these huge and iconic
 and instructive approach.  2020?                             projects?

            It is worth to highlight to main points that, under our  We like to introduce ourselves as storytellers. Our
 2. How long has ACCIONA been involved?   perspective, made a difference in the way we faced  mission is to wrap the visitor into the experience
 Since 1990 and for 30 years, the company has   the project delivery in Dubai Expo 2020 projects  through  the highest quality  standards in  all our

 participated in 9 Expos and has successfully delivered   during the pandemic:   activities. When working for Expo projects we have
 71 pavilions for various countries and organizations   First of all, our local implementation: although we are  always to go even further in the creative processes
 in  the majority of  the  Universal and  International   a Spanish company, we are firmly established in the  and the application of state-of-the art technologies.
 Expos held to date.  UAE with staff of multiple nationalities, robust local  The latest, the more innovative and creative projects
            supply chain and a well-established structure.    are showcased in these events.
 3. How did ACCIONA’s work complement the   And second of all, we cannot forget the digital
 exhibition design of the pavilions? Can you   transformation where we already had an implanted  7. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently
 give some concrete examples of the solutions   culture of digital work including video conference  applied to organise World Expo 2030 in Riyadh.
 ACCIONA came up with at Expo 2020 projects?    meetings, remote working, and decentralised  What does this mean to ACCIONA Cultural

 Our value is to convey a visitor journey through a set   services among other policies embraced by Acciona.  Engineering?
 of different technical solutions. What matters is the   A good example of this is that although some offices  As part of Vision 2030, the Kingdom is redefining
 user experience beyond the technology behind.  needed to be close during the lockdown due local  its population wellbeing through the introduction of
 At Expo 2020 Dubai, we have been responsible for a   legal requirement, none of our projects stopped. We  an intense cultural agenda that includes first class
 1. Can you clarify ACCIONA Cultural   wide range of works across Expo pavilions including   continued providing our services to clients and a good  worldwide events... Apart from their desire of been the
 Engineering’s role in the different Expo projects?   the United Arab Emirates and Spain (in Joint Venture   example of it is that the first Dubai Expo 2020 pavilion  host country for the World Expo 2030, six ambitious
 Since its origin, the history of ACCIONA Cultural   with Empty), Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion, the   to open in January 2021 was Terra-The Sustainability  landmark  projects  being  developed  in  the  Kingdom
 Engineering (ACE) has been closely linked to global   Youth Pavilion and 47 Thematic District Pavilions.  Pavilion.  aim to help transform the economy while showing the
 exhibitions, designing and implementing all kind of   In total, ACE has undertaken 54 Expo projects: 51   world and all Saudis the nation’s geographic wealth,

 scopes in pavilions and shows for different countries   pavilions,  6  Biomimicry  Micromuseums  (off-grid   5. Talk about the challenges of implementing   cultural heritage and hospitality, economic ambitions
 and organizations across the World and International   exhibits installed into six locations of the Expo 2020),    34,895 square metres of exhibition at Expo 2020  and aspirations for environmental conservation.
 Exhibitions.  Moreover, we have delivered the Airports Welcome   Dubai for a Spanish company.  All  these  Giga-projects  will  enable  a social  and
 ACE’s success results from its capacity to understand   Desks and Mall Kiosks, located at the three   Managing 54 Expo projects that features 34,895  economic change in KSA that is very aligned to
 that an exhibition project is more than just the   international airports and main malls across United   m2 of exhibition space, plus putting together 23  ACCIONA´s approach to Social Sustainability policies.
 sum of their parts. The knowledge of the whole   Arab Emirates, as a part of the end-to-end experience.
 process is crucial to identify high-priority elements   The key message here is to expand the experience
 and milestones in order to meet the schedule. The   beyond the exhibit itself aiming to raise awareness,

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