Page 13 - Magazine October 2021
P. 13

Local News                                                                             Contractors News

 Expo 2020 Dubai:  Over 11,000 new residential units

 411,768 ticketed visits recorded in   coming up in UAE

 first 10 days  The programme has till date delivered 35,455

               housing units to beneficiaries

 Expo 2020 Dubai has welcomed 411,768 ticketed  people to reconnect with each other and to imagine a
 visits in its first 10 days since the start of the first  better future.”
 World Expo being held in the Middle East, Africa and  From his side, Joseph K Issa, Commissioner General
 South Asia (Measa) region.  of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste at Expo
 Visitors belonged to 175 nationalities, with one in  2020 Dubai, said, “We’ve been really busy since the
 three visitors came from abroad. A number of ticket  show opened, with a constant flow of visitors every
 options are open to visitors, with Multi-Day and  day. People genuinely seem interested and inquisitive
 Season passes proving popular. One in five visitors  about what we have to offer and we are delighted to   The UAE s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has  of October of every year as World Habitat Day to
 have already visited the expo more than once,  bring a flavour of Timor-Leste to visitors, businesses   announced that 11,103 new residential units are being  reflect on the state of habitats, and on the basic right
 according to statistics released by the organisers.  and investors.”  built under the Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme  of all to adequate shelter.
 In this context, Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy,  Meanwhile,  Doreen  DeBrum,  Ambassador  and   across the country.  The Day is also intended to remind the world that all have
 Minister of State for International Cooperation and  Commissioner General of the Marshall Islands at   Since its launch in 1999, the Sheikh Zayed Housing  the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our
 Director-General of Expo 2020 Dubai, said, “The  Expo 2020 Dubai, said, “This is the first time we’ve   Programme, which is managed by the infrastructure  cities and towns. World Habitat Day was first celebrated
 numbers achieved in the first 10 days reflect the  had our dedicated pavilion at a World Expo, and it   ministry, has issued over 74,504 housing support  in 1986 with the theme “Shelter is My Right”. Nairobi was
 enthusiasm of the world to attend Expo 2020 Dubai.  has been fantastic to share the best of the Marshall   resolutions, comprising loans and grants with a total  the host city for the observance that year.
 We are very happy with this wonderful turnout.   Islands with so many visitors. We’ve been delighted   value of AED41 billion ($11.1 billion).  The year 2020 saw the announcement of directives
 “The coming days and weeks will be full of special  with the reaction of people so far.”  The programme has till date delivered 35,455 housing  to allocate land plots, housing loans and units, as well
 events offering a visitor experience that will be  The announced figures include all physical ticket-  units to beneficiaries. A total of 2,538 housing units  as to exempt retired citizens and families of deceased
 purposeful and entertaining, and we look forward  holders. They exclude representatives, delegations   have been handed over to beneficiaries last year,  persons from paying loans, with a total value of
 to welcoming many more people from around the  and guests of international participants, partners and   while 2021 saw the delivery of 1,726 housing units in  AED15.5 billion, benefitting 13,626 citizens.
 world.”  other stakeholders, as well as Expo staff.  Dubai, Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah, stated the ministry  This year too there had been an allocation of a AED 65
 From his part, Dimitri S Kerkentzes, Secretary-  Virtual Expo,, which launched   on  World Habitat Day,  which  was celebrated under  billion budget to provide Emiratis with housing over
 General of Bureau International des Expositions  on September 30 with three million people watching   the theme Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free  the next two decades.
 (BIE), said, “The numbers we are seeing are very  the Opening Ceremony live, has seen a further five   world yesterday (October 4).  The priorities of Abu Dhabi’s leadership include
 encouraging and demonstrate the global desire for  million visits between October  1 - 10 .  The United Nations had designated the first Monday  providing adequate housing to citizens, he added.

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