Page 86 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 86
The UAECA has been able to register Contractors Association Which aims at
several achievements since its inception in improving safety standards in underwater
September 1985. It has cooperated with projects.
municipalities and professional bodies to
In addition to the protocols of cooperation
assist in continuing task of developing
the UAECA also receives delegation from
a building and safety code for the UAE
construction industries in other countries
construction industry. This function is
as well as send its own delegations abroad
executed through the UAECA’s Technical
for the purpose of enhancing international
Consultative Committee.
cooperation in UAE construction industry.
The UAECA has placed the UAE in the
Why join the UAECA?
focus of the international building officials’
The above makes obvious the benefits of
community by the virtue if its prominent
joining the UAECA. In addition to all of the
membership of the World Organization
above, members enjoy the advantage of
of Building officials (WOBO), an affiliate
being in the mainstream of the contracting
body of the United Nations. At present,
business which gives them valuable
the UCA’s chairman is also the president of
contacts for the benefit of their business.
Member gets a prestigious certificate
The UAECA is also an institutional member
of membership which entitles them
of the Federation of Arab Contractors and
to mention their membership on their
the Federation of Islamic Contractors.
stationary. Membership of the UAECA
The UAECA has signed protocols of lends confidence to the company in the
cooperation with its counterparts in several UAE marketplace.
countries including, China, Egypt, Jordan,
Membership entitles you to a free
Lebanon, Syria, Canada, the UK and the
subscription to the bilingual Contractor’s
USA. These protocols assist in flow of
News magazine from which you can source
market and technical information between
technical information on variety of relevant
the UAE and the respective country for the
subjects as well as contribute your own
benefit of industry on both the sides.
papers for publication at the discretion of
The UAECA serves as the Middle the editor.
Eastern office of the International Marine