Page 60 - magazine Jun 2020
P. 60
Gulf News
Bahrain Awards Tenders worth US$4.9
Billion in 2019
Bahrain awarded 1,730 tenders in 2019 worth a and the services sector, accounting for 15% of the
total of US$4.9 billion. awarded tenders worth US$113 million, and 11%
The construction and engineering services sector worth US$82 million, respectively.
took the lion’s share of the awarded tenders, with
45% worth US$2.2 billion. The oil and gas sector The results reaffirm Bahrain’s efforts to continue
placed second with tenders valued at US$1.2 public and private sector spending on major
billion or 24% of the total. The aviation sector infrastructure projects despite the exceptional
came third accounting for 13% of awarded tenders circumstances currently affecting the globe
valued at US$627 million. regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The Kingdom’s
In the first quarter of 2020, Bahrain awarded US$32 billion infrastructure project pipeline
372 tenders worth a total of US$740 million, with is a major contributor and driver of national
the procurement of equipment and materials economic growth. Among the key projects
accounting for 30% of the awarded tenders currently underway is the Bahrain Petroleum
valued at US$233 million. The construction and Company (Bapco) refinery modernisation project
engineering services sector accounted for 26% of (now 40% complete), the US$1.1 billion Bahrain
tenders worth US$188.7 million, followed by the International Airport expansion project that will
aviation sector, which took 18% of the tenders contribute to doubling the airport’s capacity to 14
valued at US$132 million. The fourth and fifth million passengers annually, and the fleet upgrade
largest shares were taken by the oil and gas sector of Bahrain’s national carrier Gulf Air.
20 Contractors News Magazine