Page 72 - magazine Jun 2020
P. 72

Cover Theme

                  How COVID-19 is stalling
                  How COVID-19 is stalling

                  UAE construction projects
                  UAE construction projects

               transportation vehicles, have also made it difficult   to progress the work.
               to get workers to and from construction sites.  The UAE government  imposed  a series  of
               Some projects have also had to deal with a limited   precautionary  measures  in March in a bid to
               workforce, as there have been labor camps that   stem  the spread of  coronavirus,  which has now
               have positive cases of coronavirus and some staff   infected more than 3.6 million people worldwide.
               were put in quarantine.                        Commercial  establishments, including  malls,
               “[There’s]  difficulty  in  sourcing  basic  materials,   restaurants  and  cafes were shut down,  and
               such as silicon, nails, dust masks (now surgical   students and workers were sent home. Commercial
               masks), screws due to the closure of builders   passenger flights were also halted.
               providers. Some contractors are now purchasing   Restrictions in the UAE have eased since last
               such materials from the large main retailers like   week. However, as international  borders  remain
               Lulu and Carrefour,” Flanagan added.           shut and social distancing and other precautionary
               And, as  for  materials sourced outside the UAE,   measures are still strictly enforced, the impact of
               shipping and transportation time has considerably   coronavirus continues to be felt.
               slowed down. “Deliveries of cross-border materials   Impact on suppliers
               have slowed due to the time it now takes to get   According  to Bharat Bhatia, CEO of steel
               through land borders because of the sterilization   manufacturer  Conares,  the  slowdown  in
               processes at the borders. This is having a direct   construction  activities across the country has
               impact on the program and amount of worksite,”   caused a huge dent in demand for materials, while
               said Flanagan.                                 prices have also moved south.
               Projects are also hitting a snag, as there is difficulty   “Currently,  we see the business activities are
               having  higher  or senior management  on-site to   down by 50 percent in terms of demand and off-
               investigate issues and make “on the go” decisions   time,” Bhatia said.

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