Page 67 - magazine June 2021
P. 67

Local News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Contractors News

 11,000 new housing units

 being built for citizens

 Over 11,000 new houses are currently being built  an FNC member about the measures taken by the

 for UAE citizens across the country and will be  ministry to grant housing assistance to the people of

 handed over to the owners soon after they have  determination and being exempted from paying back

 been completed, a top UAE government official has  the housing grants.

 announced.  Operations during the Covid-19 crisis

 Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy  On how the ministry was handling applications for the

 and Infrastructure and Chairman of the Sheikh Zayed  housing grants under the current Covid-19 situation,

 Housing Programme, on Tuesday told members of the  Al Mazrouei noted that the ministry has worked

 Federal National Council (FNC) that the government  with the concerned government bodies to assess all

 has prioritised the housing sector to provide citizens  the services provided to customers and that safety

 with suitable housing that will achieve their family  measures were put in place to ensure the continuity

 stability, happiness and quality of life. He noted that  of provision of services to citizens.

 the number of completed and delivered individual  He noted that the ministry implemented the Cabinet’s

 housing projects since the inception of the Sheikh  decision that granted an extension for the housing

 Zayed Housing Programme, over 20 years ago, has  grants that were ending on March 1, 2020, for a

 reached 35,000 houses.  period of 3 months.                  ADHA unveils new

 “The programme has contributed to the stability of  The ministry also facilitated citizens who had issues

 Emirati families, through offering housing support  with applying for housing grants during the Covid-19   $344m residential housing development in Al Dhafra region

 and constructing comprehensive housing districts,”  crisis, by giving them more time to complete the

 he said.  procedures for opening up the files, which benefited

 “It also achieved significant success in ensuring  nearly 800 citizens.  A new housing complex featuring 410 villas has been  residential unit covers a total land area of 543sqm

 that the required specifications for citizens’ housing  “The ministry has provided a stimulus package and   launched by the Abu Dhabi Housing Authority (ADHA)  and consists of majlis (separate for men and women),

 districts and the construction of sustainable housing  exemptions to contractors and consultants who are   in collaboration with Musanada. The Al Mughira  food hall, two family living rooms, kitchen, store, plus

 are met.”  implementing  the residential projects  for citizens   Housing Complex is being developed at a cost of  two private rooms for a maid and a driver, among

 Al  Mazrouei  pointed  out  that the  main  goal  of the  by granting them more time for completing and   $344m and will be spread over an area of two million  other facilities.

 programme was to fulfil the housing needs of UAE  delivering the houses and exempting them from fines   sqm in the Al Mirfa City, in the Al Dhafra region.  Falah Mohamed Al Ahbabi, the chairman of Abu Dhabi

 citizens, so that they can get their homes in the  due to delays resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic,”   The design plans and specifications for the overall  Housing Council said the project comes in translation

 shortest time possible.  said Al Mazrouei.                   project includes integrated community facilities such  of the UAE leadership’s determination to continue to

 The minister also revealed that a special committee  Established by the UAE›s founding father Late Sheikh   as schools, shopping malls, parks and open areas,  ensure decent life for all citizens with the ultimate

 has been created to formulate new measures  Zayed, the programme has set strategic objectives   supported by roads, street lights, rainwater drainage,  goal of maintaining social welfare in the emirate. He

 regulating  housing  grants  provided  to  the  citizens,  which seek to meet the current and future residential   and infrastructure work for communication lines,  concluded, “Al Mughira provides an ideal residential

 including  the  people  of  determination,  adding  that  needs of Emirati citizens; provide and develop the   sewage  networks,  as  well  as  water  and electricity  community that combines the advantages of modern

 the committee has completed drafting the decision  sustainable and innovative residential environment   supply, the statement noted.                                                                                                                                              designs inspired from a quintessential Emirati

 and has presented it to the Cabinet for discussion and  beyond people expectations; and ensure provision of   Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Ruler’s  environment.”

 approval.  administrative services according to quality, efficiency   Representative in the Al Dhafra Region said each

 The minister was responding to a question from  and transparency standards.

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