Page 19 - Magazine April 2022
P. 19
Companies News
Emirates Steel Arkan Group
appoints global sustainability advisor
Emirates Steel Arkan Group, the UAE’s largest listed international advisor will build on our longstanding
steel and building materials company, appointed efforts and accelerate our journey towards a more
ENGIE Impact, a global advisory firm dedicated to sustainable, resilient business. These combined
accelerating the sustainability transformation of efforts are reinforcing our leadership position to drive
companies. ENGIE Impact will assess the business’ the industry towards net zero in line with the UAE’s
CO2 footprint, further strengthen Emirates Steel’s strategic initiative to achieve climate neutrality by
pioneering sustainability initiatives, and convert this 2050.”
vision into a detailed roadmap for the next 10 years. Emirates Steel has achieved many milestones in
The appointment is in line with the Group’s leading advancing sustainability over the past years, most
position as one of the world’s steel producers with notably its continuous collaboration with ADNOC’s
the lowest CO2 emissions per tonne and the first “Al Reyadah” facility, the world’s first fully commercial
manufacturing company in the Middle East to be carbon dioxide (CO2) facility for iron and steel
verified for Leadership in Energy and Environmental industry, and the first commercial-scale carbon
Design (LEED) green building system documentation. capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) facility in the
Engineer Saeed Ghumran Al Remeithi, Group CEO Middle East. Through this collaboration, ” Al Reyadah”
of Arkan and CEO of Emirates Steel, said: “Emirates facility captures CO2 emissions from Emirates
Steel Arkan Group is committed to producing steel Steel’s direct reduction plants operations and then
and other construction materials sustainably and transports it through a pipeline before injecting it
safely. We have always been conscious of the need to into the oil fields for the purposes of enhancing oil
have sustainability as the foundation of our business recovery. This partnership plays a fundamental role
by developing innovative systems and adopting in accelerating the business’ long-term investment in
cutting-edge technologies. The appointment of a key decarbonisation.