Page 20 - Magazine April 2022
P. 20

Companies News                                                                                                                                                                                    Contractors News

           Empower completes periodic maintenance                                                                                           Akar Technical Services completes $14.9m

           in preparedness for the summer season                                                                                            contract work at Dubai Properties’ Villanova in Dubailand

           Emirates Central Cooling Systems                                      thanks to our most advanced                                Akar  Technical Services,  the  landscape contractor  arching goal of creating exceptional and integrated
           Corporation   (Empower),   the                                        technologies, Empower’s district                           owned by the Oman-based Al Yusr International  lifestyle experiences that enrich the lives of residents
           world’s largest district cooling                                      cooling systems reduce up to                               Muscat, has said that it has successfully completed  and visitors alike.
           services provider, confirmed that                                     50%   electricity  consumption                             work at the Villanova residential community in Dubai,  “We would like to thank all the consultants, the main
           its teams and plants are all-set                                      compared to traditional cooling                            valued at USD $14.9 million.                       contractor and our partners for their assistance in

           100% to cater to the high demand                                      systems. To meet the high demand                           Located in Dubailand, the Villanova community  delivering the project in a timely manner and to the
           from customers for company’s high                                     in summer, Empower utilizes                                consists of cluster homes and an array of standalone  highest standards of quality, safety, and sustainability.”
                                                                                                                                            villas and apartments. Akar’s work on the project last  The Villanova master development is located at the
           quality district cooling services                                     the cutting-edge  and globally                             18 months and the contract included the construction  intersection of the Dubai-Al Ain Road with Emirates
           during the summer season.                                             recognized   district  cooling                             of four sets of swimming pools – main and kids’ pools,  Road and is owned by Dubai Properties.
           The district cooling giant with a                                     systems, in line with the vision of                        along with underground pump rooms and balancing  “The award to Akar Technical Services at the
           share of 79.5% in Dubai’s district                                    our wise leadership to promote                             tanks – and the supply and installation of more than  Villanova development strengthens our longstanding
           cooling market has recorded a 13%                                     sustainable development with the                           100,000sqm  of  precast  pavers  of  different  colours  relationship  with Dubai  Properties  and further
           growth last year in the number of                                     aim of reducing electricity and                            and patterns. These included curb stones for parking,  complements our diversified portfolio of landmark
           buildings connected to its plants,                                    water consumption by 30%.”                                 with various sizes of natural gravel.              developments across UAE and Oman. Despite the
           reaching a total of 1,413 buildings                                   Bin Shafar explained that the                              Also included in the contract was the installation  complex design, our integrated engineering solutions
           in the residential, commercial, healthcare, hospitality,  Company’s commitment to provide Dubai’s most                           of decorative fences for swimming pools (as per  and dedication of our talented workforce helped in
           education, retail, entertainment and other sectors.  high-profile projects with district cooling services                        authority  standards),  shade structures  for  play  timely delivery of the project-taking into account
           Out of its keenness to carry out its mission to the fullest,  requires a high level of readiness to ensure a quality             equipment; Supply and installation of play equipment,  every specification and goal of the client. Moving
           Empower  has  implemented  successful  proactive  and uninterrupted service to customers. “Empower                               fitness equipment, basketball courts including rubber  forward, we are committed to contributing towards
           plans that cover the required preparations through  has always been known for its outstanding services                           flooring and acrylic court finish.                 UAE’s landmark development agenda, combining
           sustainable and responsible methods towards the  by utilizing advanced and environmentally-friendly                              In addition, Akar provided installation of street  our landscaping expertise with a proven record of
           periodic and major maintenance works, in preparation  technologies  for  the  production  of  cooling  energy,                   furniture, including bollards, wooden and concrete  delivering timely and state-of-the-art services and
                                                                                                                                            benches, litter bins, sun loungers, precast BBQ with  maintenance solutions,” Nalwala concluded.
           for the gradual rise in temperatures during the coming  and applying AI-based solutions to effectively predict                   table set. Softscape work comprising the integration
           months, which will impose additional burdens on the  and fix breakdowns in the network.”                                         of 2500sqm geogrid cells  in  steep slopes,  around
           demand for district cooling energy in the commercial  He also pointed out that Empower trusts its ability                        75,000 sqm of shrubs, ground covers and grass, 4,056
           and non-commercial activities.                     to provide uninterrupted district cooling services                            trees and 400 palm trees was also carried out. This
           In order to meet the peak demand in the summer,  to customers by integrating it’s Parallel Working                               was followed by irrigation work wherein integration
           Empower successfully completed various measures  Environment (PWE) technology with the state-of-                                 of sub main line, lateral line, drip tube, irrigation
           that focused primarily on developing the district  the-art Command Control Centre (CCC), which                                   chambers, pull box and valves was executed.
           cooling infrastructure in Dubai, including expansion  enables its teams to remotely monitor operations                           In terms of installation, testing and commissioning of
           of pipeline network, establishing Thermal Energy  in more than 100 cooling plants across Dubai. In                               lights, Akar provided services for pole lights, bollard
           Storage (TES) systems, semi-permanent plants and  addition to providing a holistic smart monitoring                              lights, shade structure lights, CCTV containments for
           heat exchangers, and many others.                  for the entire operations, the CCC also ensures                               all the pools and tree up lights.
           Ahmad  bin  Shafar,  CEO  of  Empower,  said:  “Energy  accurate temperature measurement in residential                          Adnan Nalwala, executive director, Akar Technical
           consumption during the summer remarkably doubles  and commercial units, regular maintenance of                                   Services Co, said: “Villanova is an ambitious project

           as air conditioning consumes 70% of the total  gauges, and continues examination of thermal                                      that will enable us to showcase Akar’s exceptional
           electrical supplies to buildings in the region. However,  sensors.                                                               landscaping expertise and help augment Dubai’s over-

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