Page 84 - Magazine December 2021
P. 84
Local News Contractors News
Etihad Rail completes 50% of construction work of Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
marine rail bridge in UAE to construct first federal facility using 3D printing
The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) is printing technology, which is the first of its kind in
constructing the first government facilities using 3D terms of constructing federal buildings, will reduce
printing technology, including the Al Madam Court construction costs by 50 percent and resulting waste
and District Attorney’s Office in Sharjah. by more than 60 percent, positively reflecting on the
Yousef Abdullah, Assistant Under-Secretary for economic return of the sector and helping preserve
Federal Infrastructure Projects Sector at the MoEI, environmental resources, he noted.
said this step is part of the ministry›s efforts aimed Abdullah said the use of 3D printing in the construction
at capitalising on the technologies of the Fourth of government facilities is a milestone in the
Industrial Revolution, especially 3D printing, to construction sector. He stressed that the ministry is
support the country›s goal to achieve sustainability keen to use materials available in the country that are
and reduce construction waste. characterised by their effective levels of insulation, by
The ministry aims to promote the principles of printing the walls in an innovative engineering way to
innovation and sustainable development through take advantage of spaces in a sustainable manner.
harnessing smart technologies in an advanced way, Innovative solutions are being used, including
to reinforce the country›s leading stature in the field electricity, water, communications and air
of infrastructure projects, he stated. The use of 3D conditioning, he added.
Etihad Rail, the developer and operator of the UAE implemented in line with the highest environmental
National Rail Network, has announced the completion standards, where Etihad Rail is working on maintaining
of 50 percent of the construction works of the marine the water flow through ensuring that the extensions
rail bridge in the UAE, as part of Package B of Stage and the rubble of the new marine bridge align with the
Two of the UAE National Rail Network. The marine rail existing bridge, parallel to it. This guarantees the flow
bridge extends over one kilometre, connecting Khalifa of water, which is an important factor for preserving
Port with the UAE National Rail Network. the coral reefs surrounding the bridge.
The bridge will play an important role in improving the The company continues construction works of the
transportation of goods in the region, reducing the bridge according to extensive planning, where it has
costs of freight and trade. This will support Etihad Rail successfully overcome climatic and environmental
to establish a rail network for the UAE which connects challenges presented by the nature of the land’s
major ports with manufacturing hubs and residential topography. These challenges include tide changes,
areas across the country, and contributes to reducing changes in wind speed and direction, as well as high
carbon emissions and preserving the environment temperatures and humidity.
through reducing truck trips. Recently, Etihad Rail has announced completing
Building the first marine bridge in the UAE National construction works for Package A of Stage Two, which
Railway Network required 18,300 m3 of reinforced extends over 139 km, and its connection through Al
concrete and 4,117 tonnes of steel. The bridge will Ghuwaifat on the border of Saudi Arabia with Stage
be parallel to an existing road bridge, which spans the One, which extends for 264 km from Habshan to
same length, and connects the Abu Dhabi mainland Al Ruwais. This significant step brings the company
to the offshore container terminal area. closer to completing the UAE National Railway
The construction of the marine bridge is being Network on schedule.
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