Page 20 - Magazine October 2021
P. 20

Companies News                                                                                                                                                                              Contractors News

           Danube Home announces partnership with                                                                                       Emirates Link Maltauro is the main contractor for

           First Abu Dhabi Bank to support                                                                                              Bloom’s 181-unit project

           National Housing Loan beneficiaries                                                                                                                                                                On the contracts, CEO Carlos

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Wakim said: «The appointment
           through Baitak Hilmak Programme                                                                                                                                                                   of Emirates Link Maltauro
                                                                                                                                                                                                             is an exciting milestone for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             us in 2021. We are carefully
                                                                                                                                                                                                             selecting  right  partners  to
                                                                              interest free housing loans to                                                                                                 join our journey in bringing
                                                                              construct or renovate their                                                                                                    the right type of product to
                                                                              home or purchase ready homes.                                                                                                  the market at the right price,
                                                                              First Abu Dhabi Bank, the UAE’s                                                                                                without  compromising  on  the
                                                                              largest bank, facilitates this                                                                                                 quality and finishing.»
                                                                              government initiative by offering                                                                                               «Considering its strong track
                                                                              to citizens building and financial                                                                                             record, we are confident on
                                                                              management services.                                                                                                           delivering  premium    units
                                                                              This partnership is expected to                                                                                                in a dynamic, mixed-use
                                                                              bring great saving opportunities                          Leading UAE developer Bloom Holding has appointed                    community,       contributing
                                                                              for the beneficiaries of NHL who                          Emirates Link Maltauro as the main contractor for   to Abu Dhabi’s real estate market growth and
                                                                              are building their dream home in                          its  181-unit  project,  Aldhay,  featuring  two-,  three-,   development, while also improving residents’ quality
                                                                              Abu Dhabi and Al Ain regions.                             four- and five-bedroom townhouses within its     of life,» he added.
                                                                              Also,  Danube  Home  offers  the                          masterplanned community, Bloom Gardens, in Abu    According to Wakim, Aldhay’s residents will have

           Danube  Home launched Baitak  Hilmak  mobile                       convenience to the beneficiaries                          Dhabi.                                           direct access to premium amenities including a round-
           application for the beneficiaries of National Housing   of NHL to purchase everything under one roof with                     Located on the Eastern Mangrove Corniche, Aldhay is   the-clock security, landscaped recreational areas,
           Loan on the 9th of October 2021 in front of the   a  world class end  to end  shopping  experience.                          scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2023   exclusive clubhouse, swimming pools, kids play area,
           representatives of FAB and top contractors and    Additional  discounts  are  offered  on  tiles,  sanitary,                 and will add 181 townhouses to the existing elegant   F&B outlets, prayer halls, state-of-the-art male and
           consultants from Abu Dhabi & Al Ain.              kitchen, electrical, hardware, furniture and all other                     457 villas and townhouses at Bloom Gardens.      female gyms, as well as retail shops, and educational
           Danube Home, the interior and home improvement retail   home furnishing products exclusively for the Baitak                   All these homes are designed with a Mediterranean   institutes such as Brighton College Abu Dhabi.
           wing of Danube Group, launched Baitak Hilmak program   Hilmak programme members.                                             feel and superior, modern finishings, complimented    To woo investors, Bloom is offering the project›s units
           for the beneficiaries of National Housing Loan and   Adel Sajan, Group Managing Director, Al Danube                          by exceptional facilities.                       at attractive prices alongside flexible payment plans.
           revamped version of Danube Home’s Privileged Partners   Group, was quoted.                                                     Bloom  said  the  construction  work  was  moving  at    On the contract win, Emirates Link Maltauro General
           Programme (PPP), the one and only loyalty & reward   “As the UAE recovers from COVID-19  pandemic,                           a steady pace with the enabling and piling works   Manager Mohamad Sleiman said: «We are delighted
           program for construction contractors across the region.  especially  with the opening of the borders and the                 already completed.                               to be selected to collaborate with Bloom Holding on
           With  Baitak  Hilmak,  Danube  Home  shall  offer   return of tourists to the UAE, we see businesses                          The project is designed to become an exclusive   this project, which is testament to our expertise in
           exclusive benefits like additional discount, free end   coming back to life – to the pre-COVID-19 normalcy.                  residential community in one of the most prestigious   the construction of prime residential developments in
           to end 3D interior designing services, purchase linked   We, at Danube Group are  also preparing to launch                   areas in Abu Dhabi city within close proximity to some   the UAE.»
           Gift Vouchers and loads of exclusive services to the   a number of initiatives to support the economic                       of the city›s key landmarks and lifestyle destinations,    «We execute each of our contracted projects to the
           beneficiaries of FAB NHL right from the first day of   growth, we are definitive that this approach will                     including Khalifa Park, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque   highest possible standard, and are confident that we
           availing the National Housing Loans benefits.     help us encourage and strengthen ties between                              and Zayed Sport City, offering a high rental yield for   will deliver the same for Aldhay that will ultimately
           The National Housing Loan program, provides UAE   our contractors and consumers and will propel our                          UAE national investors and a great place to call home   reinforce Bloom Holding’s position as a leading real
           nationals in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Western regions   business towards an upwards direction.”                                 for end users.                                   estate developer in the country,» he added.

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