Page 71 - Magazine June 2022
P. 71

Local News                                                                             Contractors News

 Hamdan bin Mohammed opens

 Dubai-Al Ain Road Improvement Project

                    Dubai launches

                    single window for

                    building permits

               The Dubai Building Permit Development Committee  Zones Authority, and is electronically linked with the
               has completed the unified electronic platform for  Dubai  Engineering  Qualification  System  of Dubai
               building permits, which includes building permit  Municipality. The requirements for applying to the
               services of all licensing authorities in Dubai.   Single Window are in line with the recently launched
               The platform is set to provide distinguished services  Dubai  Building  Code.  It  integrates  with  Building
               to consultancy offices and contracting companies.  Information Modeling, GIS, and Automated Auditing
               The committee, which was formed by His Highness  of Blueprints.
               Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice  In the unified platform, an electronic link has been
               President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, aims to  provided to link all the entities supporting the
               raise the level of customer satisfaction by providing  building  permits process,  as  well  as  the service
               distinguished services in the field of building permits  providers such as the Civil Defence, RTA, DEWA, and

 H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al  direction, and constructing six main interchanges   and speeding up the completion of services through  telecommunications companies (Etisalat / Du), which
 Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of  along with bridges and ramps stretching 11.5 km.  the development of systems and requirements.  shortens the time and effort of the customers, who are
 Dubai Executive Council, has officially opened the  Benefits  to  the community  the  project  will benefit   It is chaired by the CEO of the Engineering and  now able to complete all building permits, execution
 Dubai-Al Ain Road Improvement Project built at a cost  a population of 1.5 million living or working in the   Planning Sector in Dubai Municipality, with members  and service delivery operations from one location.
 of AED2 billion.  neighbourhood on both sides of the road. It also   from government agencies participating in the  On the other hand, Dubai Municipality worked on
 Speaking on the occasion of the opening, H.H. Sheikh  serves 25 universities and colleges where a total of   licensing process.  reducing and integrating the steps for building
 Hamdan  bin Mohammed  said: «Dubai  continues  27,500 students are enrolled. The improvements will   The unified platform is characterised by the ability  permits in line with the requirements of global
 to advance the implementation of infrastructure  double the intake of the road from 12,000 to 24,000   to conduct building permit transactions with all  competitiveness. It has unified the application process,
 development plans aimed at enhancing human  vehicles per hour in both directions.  licensing agencies through one system and through  reduced  documents and  simplified  procedures,  in
 welfare and catalysing sustainable economic growth.  It will also slash the travel time on the Dubai-Al Ain   a unified entry using the digital identity, instead of  addition to working to reduce the time for completing
 The scope of the Dubai-Al Ain Road Improvement  Road from the intersection of Ras Al Khor Road to   using multiple systems as was previously used, which  transactions, and discussing projects electronically.
 Project spans 17 km from the intersection of Emirates  the intersection of the Emirates Road by 50% from   saves time and effort for consultants and contractors.  The construction process was shortened to three
 Road to the intersection of Ras Al Khor Road along  16 minutes to eight minutes during peak time.   The window includes building licensing services of  pivotal steps, which are ‹Request for a building
 the Dubai-Al Ain Road. Construction works included  Furthermore, it will solve traffic snarls that used to   Dubai Municipality, Dubai Development Authority  permit›, ‹Unified inspection›, and ‹Execution and
 widening the road from three to six lanes in each  extend about two kilometres.  and Trakhees, and Dubai Integrated Economic  delivery of services.›

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