Page 72 - Magazine June 2022
P. 72

Cover Theme                                                                                                                                                                                Contractors News

          The Man with the Midas Touch:                                                                                               priced out and continued to remain in rented homes.  his experience and insights. His life and success in
                                                                                                                                      Besides, on-time delivery has been a major problem.  business have become subject of books and articles
          Gone in 60 Seconds                                                                                                          We decided to change this by introducing ‘Affordable  of  reference.  The  question,  however,  remains,  how
                                                                                                                                      Luxury’ – offering luxury homes at an affordable price  does he do it and with a smile?

          Contractors News Magazine chats up with                                                                                     and with on-time delivery.                         “Business runs on pure logic and common sense. It
                                                                                                                                      “After a project is launched and sold out, we put it in  is not complicated, unless some people want to make
          Mr.Rizwan Sajan- Chairman and Founder of                                                                                    tendering process, appoint a contractor with a firm  it complicated,” Rizwan Sajan says. “If your revenues

          Danube Group- about his latest projects of                                                                                  delivery date, then move on to the next project.”  are higher than expenses, then the business runs on
          Danube Properties and their outright sell out                                                                                The question is – how did Danube Properties do it,  profit, otherwise it will incur losses – be it a grocery
                                                                                                                                      without mortgage finance support? Home acquisition  or running an airline – every business runs on this
          on Day 1 of their launch                                                                                                    is a very expensive affair for average middle-income  fundamental principal.
                                                                                                                                      families with fixed monthly income. “So, we devised   “So, we have to constantly guard against making
                                                                                                                                      a 1% monthly payment scheme, after the initial 10-  losses. Three ways you can do it – either by increasing
                                                                                                                                      25% down payment – that helps us to construct the  revenues or by cutting costs, or doing both. So,
          Running a diversified business conglomerate could be  in our properties.                                                    project – with the help of the contractors and the  there is  no magic in  running a business  or tens  of
          complicated and comes with its share of challenges.   It is a classic case of making the right product, at the              banks,” he explains.                              businesses. Just keep your costs lower than revenues
          However, Mr Rizwan Sajan, Founder Chairman of the  right location, at the right time, at the right price and                “In this process, we could deliver quality luxury homes  – so that you make profit and contribute to the society
          US$1.5 billion turnover Danube Group, always wears  with the right payment plan! But how?                                   at an affordable price and championed affordable luxury  by generating employment and by paying back to the
          a smile on his face, regardless of the situation.   “What does a family want in their homes? Convenience,                   home segment, and successfully turned thousands of  society and making it a better place!”
            He manages this  huge  business  with  a  team of  luxury, more living space per square metres? At                        tenants into home-owners with their limited monthly   This is the only way to make businesses agile and
          4,000 employees, split into a number of sub-teams  GEMZ, we have added 30 luxury amenities, including                       income. Many of them are still paying their monthly  sustainable. Danube Group has emerged stronger
          and groups based on their well-defined roles and  a swimming pool within the apartment – what else                          instalments while living on their own homes.      from every crisis it has faced during its 29-year
          responsibilities with transparency and accountability  could a home owner bargain for?” Rizwan Sajan,                       “This way, we have also changed the popular  journey – be it Gulf War, SARS, Global Financial Crisis
          firmly built into the system.                    Founder of Danube Group asks.                                              perception that homes do not need to be expensive  of 20082009-, Arab Spring and COVID-19 pandemic.
          He  recently  launched  GEMZ  – a  Dh350  million   “Apartments in GEMZ have more amenities than those                      and the average limited-income families also can own   As an entrepreneur, Mr. Rizwan Sajan has been there,
          residential project that will deliver 270 apartments –  in luxury villas. So, when you deliver more facilities              their dream homes without bank finance!”          done that and had overcome all adverse situations to
          that was sold out in a few hours, that more likely felt  and amenities at an affordable apartment for as low                 His success in business could be a case study for  emerge stronger, without compromising his strong
          like the famous action movie: Gone in 60 Seconds!  as Dh550,000 – who wouldn’t want to buy? Besides,                        business graduates in universities, where he goes to  business ethics and principles. A perfect role model
           It did not happen by accident, but due to careful  these homes come at the right location, right quality,                  interact with students of business studies and shares  for others to follow.
          planning. It is Danube Properties’ 17th project and  fully furnished and with the right payment plan. It is a
          one of the few projects that was sold out on day 1 of  buyer’s dream. Hence it was sold out in a few hours!”
          the launch. This also happened with the developer’s    After entering the  real  estate  business,  Danube
          first project, Dreamz by Danube Properties, in June  Properties changed a few things that has not only
          2014. All the townhouses released at launch were  developed a positive perception of the developer,
          sold out in a few hours!                         but also changed the popular perception about real
          In  an economic  sector  where  delay  in delivery  estate projects – quality, price and delivery.
          of homes has been a chronic problem, Danube   Danube Properties has made on-time property
          Properties has so far successfully delivered 4,556  delivery a priority. “When we entered this sector, we
          units with a combined sales value of Dh3.63 billion  had decided not to delay the project delivery. Buyers
          – nearly two-thirds of the entire portfolio value. With  often put their life savings into a home – their biggest
          the sell-out of Gemz, Danube Properties development  investment,”  Rizwan Sajan  explains.  “So, on-time
          portfolio now exceeded 8,272 units, with a combined  delivery of homes has been one of the key priorities.
          development value exceeding Dh5.65 billion.      Then price and quality are the other two significant
           Since the launch of Danube Properties in 2014, it has  aspects of our business.
          been consistently delivering promises to customers –  “Before  we entered the  real  estate  business,  the
          having delivered 11 out of the announced 17 projects  popular perception was that homes are not made
          so far with the highest launch-to-delivery ratio – that  for the middle-income group, it is for the upper
          reinforces buyers’, brokers’ and investors’ confidence  classes. The middle-income families had earlier been

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