Page 77 - Magazine December 2022
P. 77
Local News
DIEZA expands internal
road network in DSO, links it to Dubai-Al Ain road
The Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority efforts align with Dubai’s vision of building smart
(DIEZ) announced that it has completed a project to cities and innovation and providing an integrated
develop the internal road network in Dubai Silicon environment for people to live, work, and play.
Oasis (DSO) and link it to the main roads surrounding Enhancing Quality of Life
the high-tech park. At an investment of AED50 Eng. Muammar Al Katheeri, Chief Officer Engineering
million, the upgrade is part of a series of continuous and Smart City at DIEZ, said: “The completion of
development projects that DSO launches to meet the project to expand and develop internal roads
the needs of its community and provide the best and link them to the main Dubai-Al Ain Road, which
supportive environment for all its members. serves more than 1.5 million people, aligns with
The project links DSO’s internal road network with DIEZ’s efforts to upgrade DSO’s Road infrastructure
the Dubai-Al Ain Road for a stretch of approximately to facilitate traffic and enable its community to move
2.4kms, in cooperation with the Roads and Transport easily. Moreover, DIEZ is keen on collaborating and
Authority in Dubai. It also expands the road leading to integrating efforts with various entities in Dubai, as
the intersection to five lanes and includes pedestrian we are with RTA, for Dubai’s infrastructure to be the
corridors and service roads on both sides of the best worldwide and to offer the best experience for
road for easy access to DSO and the neighboring DSO residents and visitors.”
residential and commercial areas. Dubai Silicon Oasis, member of the Dubai Integrated
DIEZ also continues to develop its infrastructure Economic Zones Authority, operates as a technology hub
by increasing green spaces that are coordinated that serves as a free zone for large companies, small-
with smart sustainable technologies, modernizing, and medium-sized enterprises, and startups that aim to
and expanding internal roads, opening new lanes, establish presence in Dubai. Since its establishment in
shortening the distance between connected areas, 2005, the DSO community has grown significantly with
and reducing the time spent on commuting. These a population today that surpasses 90,000 people.