Page 78 - Magazine December 2022
P. 78

Local News                                                                                                                                                                               Contractors News

          QCC, Aldar Properties join hands for

          building and construction materials testing


          The on-site services at Al Riyadh City development for

          the UAE Nationals will be provided through a mobile


                                                                                                                                      the best methods available, enhancing the confidence  on this important initiative, which in turn will ensure
                                                                                                                                      in the quality of construction materials in Abu Dhabi.  the highest standards of quality and sustainability at
                                                                                                                                      He said that the provision of the mobile laboratory  the Al Riyadh project site. «This cooperation comes
                                                                                                                                      testing services in Al Riyadh City, will   ensure that  in line with Aldar’s continuous commitment to the
                                                                                                                                      building and construction projects are sustainable  national government to support the development of
                                                                                                                                      and in compliance with the required national and  urban environment in Abu Dhabi, and enhance the
                                                                                                                                      international specifications, to enhance Abu Dhabi’s  emirate’s infrastructure to cement its reputation as
                                                                                                                                      stature in building developed and sustainable cities.  one of the world›s leading destinations for work, living
                                                                                                                                      His Excellency said QCC wants to ensure the  and entertainment. We look forward to working side
                                                                                                                                      maintenance  of infrastructure  in cooperation  with  by side with QCC to achieve these goals and jointly
                                                                                                                                      strategic partners in the UAE, which will help enhance  contribute to supporting the sustainable development
                                                                                                                                      the vision and aspirations of the country’s wise  process of Abu Dhabi,” he added.
                                                                                                                                      leadership in building developed and sustainable cities  QCC’s Building Materials Laboratory provides
                                                                                                                                      as well as seamlessly facilitating the transactions  physical, mechanical and chemical tests for
          The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council  His Excellency Eng. Abdullah Hassan Al Maaini,                                of individuals, factories and companies with  engineering,  infrastructure  and  building  materials
          (QCC) in cooperation with one of the leading real  Executive Director of the Council’s Central Testing                      departments and government authorities. Ibrahim Al  and construction products to ensure their conformity
          estate development and management companies  Laboratory Services Sector emphasized that QCC                                 Maghribi, Chief Operating Officer of Aldar Properties,  with the approved international standards, and to
          in  the UAE,  Aldar Properties,  will  provide testing  pursues its mandate to develop a quality infrastructure             said, the company is pleased to collaborate with QCC  ensure that operations are carried out under requisite
          services for building and construction materials at  in Abu Dhabi with commitment and in accordance                                                                                                national and international
          the latter’s Al Riyadh City project in Abu Dhabi with  with international standards of conformity. This is                                                                                         norms. QCC’s mobile lab
          the deployment of an onsite mobile laboratory. The  done  through  standardization  and  development                                                                                               services and units include
          mobile testing services will be done for quality check  of specifications, building the capabilities of the                                                                                        soil, aggregate and rock
          on construction materials such as soil and asphalt  metrology system, strengthening the testing                                                                                                    laboratory tests, asphalt and
          used in the development of road and infrastructure.  services’ infrastructure, and launching conformity                                                                                            bitumen laboratory, ready-
          The onsite testing services will contribute to saving  programs and certificates.  The testing services for                                                                                        mix concrete laboratory,
          time and costs since receiving samples and delivering  professions of individuals, products, safety, health and                                                                                    chemical analysis laboratory
          results are fast tacked to speed up the completion of  environment for the benefit of community members,                                                                                           and   industrial  materials
          the project.                                     as well as in the construction verticals are done using                                                                                           laboratory.

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