Page 56 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 56

Beautification project transforms major

                      intersection into a welcoming artwork

               Dubai Municipality unveils beautification project that transforms the
               intersection of Airport Road and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road
                             into an artistic painting that welcomes visitors.

                                                                                              2024  ربمتبس 11
              As  part  of  Dubai  Municipality’s   such vital projects in creating an attractive   ⇒   The  project  spans  over  360,000
            commitment to enhancing the aesthetic   environment for visitors and residents of   square  meters  of  landscaped
            appearance of the city and highlighting   the emirate alike.
                                                                                   spaces, with a total cost of AED 26
            its  uniqueness  and  brilliance  as  a     Al  Hajri  said:  “This  project  is  one  of  a   million.
            distinguished  global  destination,  the   series  of  projects  implemented  by  Dubai   ⇒   An iconic design welcomes visitors
            municipality announced the completion   Municipality within the framework of   to Dubai, offering a modern visual
            of the beautification and greening project   greening  and  beautifying  the  emirate,
            at the intersection of Airport Road and   as the project contributes to enhancing   appeal  that  reflects  the  city's
            Sheikh  Mohammed  bin  Zayed  Road,   Dubai’s  attractiveness  and  distinction  in   charm  and  serves  as  the  first
            presenting an icon that welcomes visitors   providing a balanced environment that   impression  for  arrivals.
            to  Dubai  with  a  wonderful  modern  view   combines urban development and takes   ⇒   Innovative lighting systems highlight
            that adds a unique charm that reflects the   into account the elements of environmental   Dubai's beauty, providing a unique
            city’s  appeal  from  above.     sustainability.  Therefore,  we  continue  to   nighttime  visual  experience  for
               Dubai Municipality was keen to ensure that   implement  projects  that aim  to  increase
            the project features a unique design that   the vegetation cover and add an aesthetic   plants were planted, in addition to a variety
            reflects  the  spirit  of  modernity  and  takes   touch that contributes to enhancing Dubai’s   of shrubs and soil covers of different types
            into account the principles of sustainability,   position and global presence.” The project   that were carefully selected to add plant
            given the importance of this intersection   to beautify and green the intersection of   diversity that enriches the aesthetic scene.
            as one of the first landmarks that visitors   Airport Road and Sheikh Mohammed bin   Innovative plant fences were also designed
            to the emirate see.  The design included   Zayed  Road  covers  an  area  of    more  than   to add vitality to the design and enhance
            welcoming  phrases  in  Arabic  and  English,   360,000 square metres, at a total cost of   its  visual  appeal,  and  were  supported  by
            “Welcome  to  Dubai,”  which  enhances  the   AED 26 million, making it one of the largest   modern and advanced irrigation systems
            feeling of distinction and welcome among   beautification projects in the emirate. The   that  improve  water  use  efficiency  and
            visitors from the moment they arrive.   design features striking aesthetic elements   ensure  the  long-term  sustainability  of
            His  Excellency  Dawood  Al  Hajri,  Director   including the use of coloured pebbles   plants to achieve a balance between natural
            General of Dubai Municipality, stressed that   and  innovative  night  lighting,  providing  a   beauty and sustainability.
            this project is in line with the vision of His   unique visual experience for visitors both   Dubai Municipality intends to implement
            Highness  Sheikh  Mohammed  bin  Rashid   during the day and at night. Thanks to the   more agricultural landscape projects to
            Al  Maktoum,  Vice  President  and  Prime   carefully  thought-out  colour  coordination,   highlight the beauty and uniqueness of
            Minister  of  the  UAE  and  Ruler  of  Dubai,   travellers can enjoy the beauty of the   Dubai and enhance its position as a global
            to make Dubai the best city to live in the   project throughout the day, as the lighting   tourist  destination with  unprecedented
            world. It also embodies the municipality’s   elements are one of the features that   standards.  These initiatives contribute to
            continuous efforts to double the green   add  a  charming  atmosphere  to  the  area,   adding a unique aesthetic character to the
            spaces in the emirate and enhance the city’s   highlighting its distinction and uniqueness.   city and strengthening its urban appeal, in
            aesthetics in line with global sustainability   The project included a diverse agricultural   line with its future vision for growth and
            standards, pointing out the importance of   landscape system, where 50,000 trees and   distinction.

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