Page 52 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 52
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Calls on
Building Owners to Rectify the Status of
Unlicensed Existing Structures
2024 ربمفون 12
Abu Dhabi City Municipality called the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to submit a No. (45) of the Executive Regulations of
on all owners of existing buildings and request to regularize the status of existing the Construction Regulation Law No. (4)
those executed without a license from buildings and those built without building of 1983.
the competent authorities to take permits to the relevant department
Article Three of the circular confirmed
advantage of the grace period granted to according to the applicable regulations.
that if a building violation is detected and
them by Circular No. (4) of 2024 issued 2- All engineering offices in the emirate, issued within the inspection campaigns
by the Department of Municipalities and when submitting a request to regularize carried out by the relevant administration,
Transport, and to work to correct the the status of existing buildings built the building owner shall be granted a
conditions of the buildings in accordance without building permits, must attach
with the requirements and standards in all the required documents and plans period of one year to submit a request to
force regarding building requirements in according to Article No. (14) of the regularize the status of an existing building
for private residential units and their
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Executive Regulations of the Construction
annexes, and a period of 6 months for all
The municipality explained that the Works Regulation Law No. (4) of 1983.
other types of buildings.
issuance of this circular came from 3- If it is proven from the technical study
the keenness of the Department of attached to the regularization request If the building owner does not submit
Municipalities and Transport to ensure the that the buildings, or part thereof, do a regularization request within the
safety of construction buildings, provide not conform to the current planning period mentioned in the above clause,
security and safety standards, and preserve provisions or those in effect at the time a fine shall be collected and he shall be
the safety of community members. of construction, the relevant department required to remove the causes of the
Article No. (1) of the circular granted shall refer the request to the committee violation according to the procedures and
owners of existing buildings without a formed for this purpose, in order to study regulations followed.
the possibility of approving it, provided
license a grace period of two years to Article 4 of the circular stipulated
that it complies with the security and
submit regularization requests, starting that in all cases, buildings proven to
safety standards, construction standards,
from the date of issuance of this circular in have been constructed without building
and general appearance according to the
June of this year 2024. permits after the issuance of this circular,
applicable regulations.
The circular indicated that no financial or those whose owners did not submit
4- If it is proven from the technical study
fines will be imposed during this grace requests to regularize their status within
attached to the regularization request
period on existing buildings executed the prescribed two-year period or within
that the buildings or part thereof are
without building permits, which were the aforementioned one-year period, are
not suitable for occupancy or have not
constructed before the date of issuance considered in violation of the provisions
been approved by the committee due to
of this circular, unless there is a building of the Building Regulation Law, and their
their violation of the current planning
violation issued for these buildings before status is not permitted to be regularized,
provisions or those in effect at the time
the start of this grace period. and the procedures stipulated in the
of construction, the building owner shall
The circular, in accordance with correct the situation or remove the causes executive regulations of the Building
Article Two, called on all owners of the of the violation in a manner that achieves Regulation Law shall be taken regarding
aforementioned buildings to proceed with the standards and conditions of safety them. The municipality noted that the
the procedures for submitting requests to implementation of this circular and its
and the public interest. Otherwise, the
regularize their status as follows: concerned municipality shall remove it in effect shall begin from the date of its
1- Assigning an engineering office in accordance with the provisions of Article issuance on 062024/04/.
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