Page 54 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 54
building permitting in the Emirate of ground. This device can also conduct
Dubai. As part of its efforts to improve accurate surveys, which provides high-
the quality of services, Dubai Municipality resolution data used to improve urban
has carried out a comprehensive update
planning and infrastructure management.
and redesign of the user experience and
The project aims to increase the speed
services of the application, which targets
and accuracy of surveying compared to
owners, contractors and consultants. The
traditional methods and obtain detailed
application aims to provide proactive
and easy-to-use digital services, which data from above ground such as buildings
reduces effort and time for project and landmarks and below ground such
owners and increases their satisfaction. as water and electricity networks. It also
Geospatial Survey of Water Bodies contributes to supporting decision-making
The Geospatial Survey of Water by providing accurate data that contributes
Bodies project aims to enhance survey to planning new projects, maintaining
capabilities by integrating and installing infrastructure, and managing urban assets.
a LiDAR scanning system on the surface
Talk to Dubai Maps
of a boat. This integration enables
The “Talk to Dubai Maps” project provides
simultaneous surveys of different
“Ask the Building Code” using
environments under the sea and on land a smart service that uses generative
generative artificial intelligence
along areas with shallow waters such as artificial intelligence technologies to
The “Ask the Building Code” service,
the Dubai Water Canal. This enables the query landmarks, information and
which uses generative artificial
collection and analysis of comprehensive
intelligence, helps engineers and locations in the geospatial database and
and highly accurate data and reduces
specialists to search intelligently in the then display the results directly on the
the waste of time and resources required
Dubai Building Code by asking questions Dubai map on the screen, including areas,
compared to traditional survey methods.
and receiving detailed answers directly. lands, addresses, important landmarks,
The project aims to enhance Dubai’s
This service, which was launched within assets, and more. This project aims to
geospatial survey capabilities and
the Dubai Building Permits System (Dubai simplify access to geospatial information,
improve its accuracy, in addition to
Building Platform), facilitates the process improve the user experience, and support
increasing efficiency by reducing the time
of effective and fast searching within the
and human effort required to conduct decision-making because the service
code, which contains about 900 pages.
surveys and enhancing understanding of helps provide immediate and updated
The Dubai Building Code, which was
environmental changes in coastal areas information useful in planning.
launched through Decree No. 45 of 2021,
such as marine sediments and changes in
contains all building design requirements GITEX Global is an opportunity to
water levels and pressure.
that must be taken into account to ensure highlight Dubai Municipality’s efforts
Smart Survey Robot
the public health and safety of its users in various sectors, as the municipality
The smart survey robot collects and
and those affected by it, and to enhance continues to showcase its services at this
analyzes geospatial survey data using
its sustainability. event. Visitors to GITEX Global, which
the latest technologies. This robot is
runs until October 18, 2024, can visit
Dubai Building Permits App distinguished by its ability to survey
The Dubai Building Permits App is a government assets, including buildings, the Dubai Municipality pavilion to take a
mobile-based smart application that landmarks, and infrastructure networks closer look at its innovative projects and
provides a comprehensive package of such as water, sewage, and electricity learn about its pioneering role in building
services and information related to systems, whether visible above or below a smarter and more sustainable city.
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