Page 53 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 53
Dubai Municipality Launches the New Version
of the Dubai Building Permits Application
(Dubai BPs)
2024 سطسغأ 13
Dubai Municipality has announced directly, in addition to making new
the new look of the Dubai Building updates to a number of services that
Permits App (Dubai BPs), which can be accessed through the application,
provides an integrated package of including; the annex licensing service
services and information related and the service of requesting a copy of
to building permitting work in the approved engineering plans.
Emirate of Dubai.
The new version of the Dubai Building
The municipality has conducted a Permits application, and the new updates
comprehensive update and redesign made by Dubai Municipality to its digital
of the user experience and application applications related to the construction
services targeting owners, contractors sector, come within its continuous efforts
and consultants, providing proactive to design digital and proactive services
digital services that are easy to use and smart solutions according to the
and reduce the effort and time of best international standards, which
project owners and raise their level of contributes to raising the quality of
satisfaction. building permitting and control services,
Dubai Municipality has introduced and supporting the municipality’s goals
new features to the smart application, in developing a smart, sustainable and
including the addition of a control globally advanced construction sector, customers from owners, contractors,
panel that enables the owner to view which consolidates Dubai’s position, investors and consultants, and meet
information about his land plots, in leadership and global competitiveness their needs in a direct manner.
addition to providing the ability to in applying the latest technologies in the The application includes a portal
search for consultants and contractors construction sector. for information needed by all workers
registered with the municipality based
The Dubai Building Permits application in the construction sector, including
on their evaluation, and displaying
includes all services and information regulations, laws, circulars, and
consultant and contractor data that
related to regulating the construction checklists, as well as comprehensive
shows the status, number and type
information about consulting offices and
of existing projects he is working on, Designing digital and
contracting companies. The application
making it easier for the owner to choose proactive construction
the right one. services that support also provides the ability to follow
efforts to develop a smart, up on the status of building permit
Owners can also evaluate consultants
sustainable and globally transactions, view engineers’ comments,
and contractors directly from the
advanced construction pay fees, and book appointments in an
application. In addition, Dubai
sector that consolidates easy and simplified manner, in addition
Municipality has provided the application
Dubai’s leadership and
with the electronic payment feature to providing various reports on buildings,
global competitiveness.
through Dubai Pay, affiliated with the projects, transactions, and completion
Dubai government, to facilitate financial sector in the emirate, as it was designed rates, using simplified illustrative
transactions for owners and pay fees to facilitate the digital journey of drawings.
Contractors News | January 2025 Issue 22