Page 47 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 47
UAE Leads Innovation in Sustainable Construction
A pioneering project in the UAE is expected to bring about a major
transformation in the construction sector.
Concrete blocks are a cornerstone materials. Consequently, production costs
of modern construction, especially are reduced significantly, by around 20 per
in the UAE, but they come at a huge cent, making the blocks more affordable
environmental cost due to carbon than conventional alternatives.”
dioxide emissions.
He added: “This innovative process
But a new project in the country eliminates the need for water and energy
is turning the tables by producing during processing, further reducing
sustainable concrete blocks that “absorb the environmental footprint. “Unlike
carbon dioxide” instead of releasing it. traditional blocks, these building blocks
The project taps into the UAE’s vast absorb up to 500 grams of CO2 per block,
reserves of waste materials, diverting 80 turning a polluting product into a carbon
per cent of the blocks’ composition from sequestration tool,” Bawab explained.
landfills to production lines. “The initiative directly contributes to the
The building block absorbs up to 500 country’s ambitious goal of achieving
grams of carbon dioxide per unit net zero emissions by 2050 by offering
Speaking to Khaleej Times, during the a tangible solution with a “40 percent
Future Solutions Conference in Dubai lower carbon footprint.” Not only does
– Prototypes for Humanity 2024, Jad the technology reduce emissions during the UAE’s growing market demand for
Bawab, a PhD student specialising in production, it also sequesters carbon concrete blocks. A pilot program at UAEU
concrete technology at the United Arab within the blocks, paving the way for will produce full-size blocks that meet the
Emirates University, who was showcasing greener building practices. “Our prototype country’s stringent standards for non-
his prototype of the ECO2 block, said: demonstrates how local creativity can load-bearing masonry units. I would also
“This is an innovative low-carbon concrete be leveraged to drive global progress like to thank Dr. Hilal Al Hassan for his
block that uses low-cost, abundant waste in reducing emissions while meeting guidance on the project.”
Contractors News | January 2025 Issue 28