Page 48 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 48

Ajman Bank Joins the Housing Loan

                         Financing Policy of “Zayed Housing”

                                                                                                 2024 ربوتكأ 09
              The  Ministry  of  Energy  and  private sectors, to facilitate the financing   Speaking about the agreement, Mustafa
            Infrastructure,  represented  by  the   of  housing  loans  for  citizens  benefiting   Al  Khalfawi,  CEO  of  Ajman  Bank,  said:
            Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme and   from the programme.          “We are pleased to cooperate with the
            Ajman Bank, signed a memorandum                                   Ministry  of  Energy  and  Infrastructure,
                                              His  Excellency  said:  “The  cooperation
            of understanding on the sidelines of                              represented by the Sheikh Zayed Housing
                                             between  the  Sheikh  Zayed  Housing
            the  programme’s  activities  on  the                             Programme,  to  provide  comprehensive
                                             Programme and Ajman Bank contributes
            occasion  of  World  Habitat  Day,  under                         real  estate  financing  solutions  for  UAE
                                             to  achieving  our  aspirations  to  ensure
            which housing loans will be financed by
                                             decent and suitable housing for UAE   citizens.
            the bank, as part of implementing the
                                             citizens, and this will allow us to diversify   This  strategic  partnership  reflects  our
            housing policy, to finance government
                                             financing options for projects that meet   steadfast commitment to the UAE’s
            housing programme loans, with the
                                             our standards while increasing the   national agenda of enhancing access
            programme  financing  the  interest  on
                                             pace, size and quality of delivery of new   to easy financing for Emirati citizens to
            the  loan  on  behalf  of  the  citizen.
                                             homes.” His Excellency stressed that the   improve their lifestyle. Ajman Bank, being
              Ajman Bank becomes the fifth national
                                             programme reflects the vision of the wise   the only bank added to this prestigious
            bank to participate in the housing finance
                                             leadership to enhance the welfare of the   programme,  has  achieved  a  significant
            policy, alongside Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank,
                                             UAE  society  by  providing  housing  that   milestone and is a testament to the
            First Abu Dhabi Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank
                                             meets the needs of citizens, taking into   trust  placed  in  it.  We  look  forward  to
            and  Emirates  NBD.  His  Excellency  Eng.
                                             account the standards of sustainability   empowering  citizens  with  the  financial
            Mohammed  Al  Mansouri,  Director  of
                                             and urban development, and that the UAE   support they  need to turn  their dream
            the  Sheikh  Zayed  Housing  Programme,
                                             government strives through its ambitious   of home ownership into a reality.  This
            explained that the memorandum aims
            to enhance cooperation between the   initiatives and projects to achieve   collaboration will positively impact
            programme  and  Ajman  Bank,  which   urban sustainability and provide decent   both  new  and  existing  beneficiaries  of
            will contribute to the sustainability of   housing for citizens. We are pleased to   the  Sheikh  Zayed  Housing  Programme
            funding sources and meeting current   cooperate with Ajman Bank to achieve   and  will  drive  progress,  in  line  with  the
            and future housing needs, and enhancing   our aspirations to enhance welfare and   priorities of our wise government for the
            partnership between the public and   quality of life.             advancement and welfare of its citizens.”

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