Page 50 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 50

Sharjah Municipality Launches the First

                        Smart Inspection System in the UAE

                        During Sharjah Municipality's participation in the Sharjah
                                                                                                 2024 ربوتكأ 16
                                         Government pavilion at GITEX

              In the presence of Sheikh Salem bin Abdul   Emirate of Sharjah, which has made great   without human intervention.
            Rahman Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Ruler's   strides in simplifying procedures and   She explained that the system has
            Office, and His Excellency Sheikh Saud bin   saving time and effort, pointing out that   many uses that facilitate work tasks and
            Sultan Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Higher   the municipality is striving to innovate   shorten  procedures  and  time,  as  it  is
            Committee  of  the  Sharjah  Government   digital  solutions  supported  by  artificial   used  to  inspect  plastic  products  (weak,
            Pavilion at GITEX 2024, Director General   intelligence in all areas of municipal
                                                                              medium  and  high  resistance),  especially
            of  the  Sharjah  Digital  Department,   work, to provide a unique experience for   those used in construction work and
            Sharjah City Municipality launched the   customers,  and  enhance  innovation  and   infrastructure  projects  such  as  heat-
            Smart Inspection System, the first of its   efficiency  in  government  work.   insulating products and ground coverings.
            kind in the United Arab Emirates, at the
                                              Al  Tunaiji explained that the projects   Through this system, many properties of
            Sharjah Government Pavilion at GITEX, to
                                             provided by the municipality come   materials  can  be  determined,  including
            reflect  the  role  and  keenness  of  Sharjah
                                             within its strategy to develop proactive   pressure  resistance,  bending  resistance,
            City Municipality to adopt innovative ideas
                                             municipal services focused on customers   yield resistance, elasticity coefficient, and
            and transform them into qualitative digital
                                             and  transform  services  into  smart  ones,   others. The head of the innovation team
            and smart projects that keep pace with
                                             and provide a digital work environment   pointed out that the system is specially
            digital development and are in line with
                                             that enhances employees’ capabilities   designed to suit the requirements of
            the visions and directions of the Emirate
                                             to innovate and adopt the best projects,   local projects in the country, and provides
            of Sharjah in this field.
                                             and work to develop them continuously.   fast and highly accurate testing results
               The launch ceremony was attended by His
                                             For  her  part,  Reem  Abdullah  Al-Rusi,   compared to traditional devices. It also
            Excellency Obaid Saeed Al Tunaiji, Director
                                             Head of the Innovation Team at Sharjah   improves the quality of plastic products
            General of Sharjah City Municipality, and a
                                             City  Municipality,  explained  that  the   according to standard criteria, in addition
            group of officials from general managers
                                             smart inspection system launched at the   to contributing to raising the efficiency of
            and  heads  of  government  departments
                                             Sharjah  Government  platform  at  GITEX   construction and infrastructure projects.
            and authorities in the Emirate of Sharjah,
                                             is the first of its kind in the UAE. It was   The system also provides a unique and
            and directors in the municipality. In this
                                             designed and developed according to the   new experience in testing plastic materials,
            context,  His  Excellency  Obaid  Saeed  Al
                                             best  international  specifications  and  in
            Tunaiji stressed that the participation of                        and reflects the keenness of Sharjah City
                                             line with the characteristics required to
            Sharjah City Municipality in the Sharjah                          Municipality to develop and update the
                                             be inspected in the Central Laboratories
            Government  pavilion  at  GITEX  Global                           systems used in its laboratories as a whole,
            reflects  its  orientations  towards  digital                     to keep pace with urban and population
            transformation and keeping pace with   It is an integrated system supported   development and growth, and to provide
            the  continuous  development  of  services,   by  artificial  intelligence  that  automates   very accurate testing results and raise
            in  line  with  the  orientations  of the   inspection and reporting processes   operational  efficiency.
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