Page 49 - Magazine Jan 2025
P. 49
Sharjah Chamber of Commerce Reaffirms
Support for the Construction Sector and
Enhancing Its Future Growth Prospects
2024 ربوتكأ 07
The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Sharjah Real Estate Exhibition "Acres" in cooperation to continue growth and
Industry organized the Building Materials supporting the construction sector as an achieve more future successes and keep
Forum, which brought together a number ideal platform for showcasing the latest pace with the growth of the real estate
of building materials suppliers, traders, technologies and innovations in this vital sector in the Emirate of Sharjah.
consultants, contractors and real estate field. Communication and exchange of
An important sector for comprehensive
developers, in cooperation with the Real experiences
Estate Sector Working Group operating In his welcoming speech to the
For his part, Saeed Ghanem Al Suwaidi
under the umbrella of the Chamber, participants in the forum, Abdul Aziz
pointed out the great commercial
with the aim of exploring promising Al Shamsi stressed the keenness of the
importance of the building materials
opportunities for the construction sector Sharjah Chamber through the forum to
sector, stressing its close connection to
and reviewing the results achieved by the provide a platform for communication
various other economic aspects, in terms
Sharjah Real Estate Exhibition "Acres", and exchange of experiences between
and preparations for organizing its next traders investing in the building materials of the reliance of many development
edition. The forum, which was held at the sector, which contributes to achieving projects in the emirate on it, starting
Chamber's headquarters, was attended comprehensive growth, pointing out that from infrastructure development to major
by Abdul Aziz Al Shamsi, Assistant the Chamber has adopted a strategic vision real estate projects, adding that the real
Director General for Communication and to support and develop this sector, which estate boom witnessed by the emirate
Business Sector at the Sharjah Chamber, is a fundamental pillar in driving the wheel reflects the importance of this sector,
Saeed Ghanem Al Suwaidi, Chairman of of economic development and increasing which enjoys the Chamber's attention and
the Representative Committee of the the advancement of infrastructure and efforts to enhance the competitiveness of
Real Estate Sector Working Group at construction and contributes to achieving companies operating in it.
the Sharjah Chamber, and a number of the emirate's vision for development, The forum concluded with bilateral
committee members. During the forum, the adding that the prosperity of real estate meetings held by the participants to discuss
latest developments in the construction development is supported by the success partnerships and examine investment and
sector, its development opportunities and of building materials supply chains in
cooperation opportunities. They praised
future growth prospects were reviewed, in providing the necessary requirements for
the Sharjah Chamber's organization of the
addition to discussing the real estate market in the Emirates,
forum and the importance of such events
the role of the which is witnessing continuous prosperity,
in opening new horizons for cooperation
which confirms the importance of
between suppliers, traders, contractors
and various stakeholders in the building
materials sector, which contributes to
strengthening the emirate's position
as a leading destination for real estate
Contractors News | January 2025 Issue 26